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使用orcle的導出實用程序(pdf 20頁)(英文)

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使用, 實用, 程序
使用orcle的導出實用程序(pdf 20頁)(英文)內容簡介
You almost always use the Export utility in conjunction with the Import utility.
About the only time that you ever export data without importing it again is when
you are using the Export utility as a backup. Even then, you have to be prepared
to import it again. The Import utility is described in Chapter 9, “Using Oracle8i’s
Import Utility.” To effectively use the Export utility, you need to know how to do
several operations, including:
Starting the Export utility
Passing parameters to it
Running it interactively
Getting help when you need it
Using its prerequisites
Starting the Export utility
The proper command to start the Export utility depends on the release of and
the platform on which you are running Oracle. On UNIX systems, and on Windows
systems beginning with the Oracle8i release, you use the exp command to start the
Export utility. On Windows releases prior to Oracle8i, the command contains the
release number, so the command you use—exp80, exp73, or so on—depends on
the specific release of Oracle that you are using.
Export is a command-line utility, so you have to run it from the command prompt.
On Windows systems, this means that you need to open a Command Prompt
window. The following example shows Export being invoked from a Windows NT
command prompt to export all the tables, indexes, and other objects owned by the
user named AM
