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某律師事務所合同(doc 7頁)

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律師事務所, 合同
某律師事務所合同(doc 7頁)內容簡介
第二條 陳述及保證
2.1 【A representation is defined as an account or statement of facts, allegations, or arguments. Representations present everything from its past to its current status. In particular, Black's Law Dictionary defines a representation as "A presentation of fact -- either by words or by conduct -- made to induce someone to act, especially to enter into a contract."】
2.2 【A warranty generally moves from the present to the future. The product that you are buying is warranted as being free of defects, and the company agrees to fix any defects for a specified amount of time into the future. Some products advertise that they have a lifetime warranty. As an example, if you buy a set of headphones with a lifetime warranty, then every time they malfunction, you can send them back to the company to be fixed. The warranty obligates the seller to the terms of the contract.】
2.3 【Warranties can be either expressed or implied. Expressed warranties mean they are written into the contract, and, for the most part, buyers should insist upon them. Implied warranties fall under the Uniform Commercial Code, which in all sales of goods implies that there be a "fitness for a particular purpose." Legally within contracts, expressed warranties hold up better in a court of law than implied warranties.】

