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零售行業的外在分析(英文版)(ppt 45頁)

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零售行業, 分析, 英文版
零售行業的外在分析(英文版)(ppt 45頁)內容簡介

Industry Environment:
A set of factors that directly influences a company and its competitive actions and responses.
Interaction among these factors determine an industry’s profit potential.
Threat of new entrants
Power of suppliers
Power of buyers
Product substitutes
Intensity of rivalry

Bargaining Power of Suppliers:
A supplier group is powerful when:
it is dominated by a few large companies
satisfactory substitute products are not available to industry firms
industry firms are not a significant customer for the supplier group
suppliers’ goods are critical to buyers’ marketplace success
effectiveness of suppliers’ products has created high switching costs
suppliers are a credible threat to integrate forward into the buyers’ industry向前(向下)整合

High Exit Barriers:
Common exit barriers include:
specialized assets (assets with values linked to a particular business or location)
fixed costs of exit such as labor agreements
strategic interrelationships (relationships of mutual dependence between one business and other parts of a company’s operation, such as shared facilities and access to financial markets)
emotional barriers (career concerns, loyalty to employees, etc.)
government and social restrictions

