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機械設計專業的畢業設計(英文版)(doc 11頁)

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機械設計, 畢業設計, 英文版
機械設計專業的畢業設計(英文版)(doc 11頁)內容簡介
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with machines and the production of power. It is particularly concerned with forces and motion.
History of Mechanical Engineering
The invention of the steam engine in the latter part of the 18th century, providing a key source of power for the Industrial Revolution, gave an enormous impetus to the development of machinery of all types. As a result a new major classification of engineering, separate from civil engineering and dealing with tools and machines, developed, receiving formal recognition in 1847 in the founding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in Birmingham, England.
Mechanical engineering has evolved from the practice by the mechanic of an art based largely on trial and error to the application by the professional engineer of the scientific method in research, design, and production.
The demand for increased efficiency, in the widest sense, is continually raising the quality of work expected from a mechanical engineer and requiring of him a higher degree of education and training. Not only must machines run more economically but capital Costs also must be minimized.
Fields of Mechanical Engineering
Development of machines for the production of goods the high material standard of living in the developed countries owes much to the machinery made possible by mechanical engineering. The mechanical engineer continually invents machines to produce goods and develops machine tools of increasing accuracy and complexity to build the machines.
The principal lines of development of machinery have been an increase in the speed of operation to obtain high rates of production, improvement in accuracy to obtain quality and economy in the product, and minimization of operating costs. These three requirements have led to the evolution of complex control systems.

