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認證規則培訓英文(pdf 46頁)

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認證規則, 規則培訓
認證規則培訓英文(pdf 46頁)內容簡介
This document has been originated by the International Automotive Task Force. Copyright for this text is
held by ANFIA, CCFA/FIEV, SMMT, VDA (see below) and the vehicle manufacturers DaimlerChrysler,
Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corp..
Neither this document nor any extract from it may be reproduced in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission
being secured.
Requests for permission to reproduce and/or translate this document or any extract from it should be
addressed to one of the organizations below :
International Automotive Oversight Bureau (IAOB/USA)
Associazione Nazionale Fra Industrie Automobilistiche (ANFIA/Italy)
Comité des Constructeurs Francais d'Automobiles (CCFA/France)
Fédération des Industries des équipements pour Véhicules (FIEV/France)
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT/UK)
Verband der Automobilindustrie – Qualitats Management Center (VDA-QMC/Germany)
The IATF consists of automotive OEMs and industry associations. The IATF recognizes certification bodies
to conduct audits and issue certificates to Organizations that will be recognized by its members through

