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某電廠機組FGD項目旁路檔板招標文件中英文版(doc 24頁)

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電廠, 機組, 項目, 旁路, 招標
某電廠機組FGD項目旁路檔板招標文件中英文版(doc 24頁)內容簡介

日 錄
Appendix1Technical specification......................3
1 General 總則......................3
2 General Description of Project工程概況......................4
3 design and operation conditions......................6
4 Technical Conditions技術條件......................9
5 Design and Supply Scope and Interface Specification設計與供貨範圍及接口規範......................16
6 Cleaning, Paint, Package, Load/Unload, Transportation and Storage......................21
Appendix 2 technical data and delivery schedule 技術數據與交貨進度......................23

1.1 本技術規範適用於河北王灘電廠4台600WM機組的煙氣脫硫工程。本規範書包括旁路擋板門本體、輔助設備係統的功能設計、結構、性能、安裝和試驗等方麵的技術要求。
This specification is applicable for Hebei Wangtan Power Plant 4X 600MW FGD project. This Specifications covers the technical requirements for the functional design, construction, performance, installation and commissioning of the bypass dampers with accessories system.

1.2 本技術規範所提出的是最低限度的技術要求,並未對一切技術細節做出規定,也未充分引述有關標準和規範的條文。供方保證提供符合本技術規範要求和現行中國或國際通用標準的優質產品。
The contents of the specification are the minimum requirements, neither providing any technical details, nor referring to provisions of the relevant standards/specifications. The Supplier shall develop and supply qualified products based on the specification and present international codes and standards.

1.3 供方保證提供的設備應完全符合本技術規範的要求。
The Supplier shall guarantee that the supplied equipment is in full compliance with this the requirements herein.

1.4 供方提供的設備應是全新的和先進的,並經過2年以上運行實踐已證明是完全成熟可靠的產品。同時必須滿足國家的有關安全、環保等強製性法規、標準的要求。
All equipments and components shall be advanced, new, complete in technology and process with experience at least two (2) years and reliable products. In addition, the delivery shall be conducted in accordance with the compelling requirements of applicable safety and environment laws and standards.

1.5 凡在供方設計範圍之內的外購件或外購設備,供方應至少要推薦2至3家產品供需方確認,且需方具有選擇的權利,而且需方有權單獨采購,但技術上均由供方負責歸口協調。
For any equipment and parts to be imported, within the Supplier’s scope of design work, the Supplier shall recommend at least 2 –3 manufacturers for the confirmation of the Buyer. And the Buyer shall have right to choose the manufacturer and to solely purchase materials. However, the Supplier shall offer interface and coordination technically.

1.6 在簽訂合同之後,到供方開始製造之日的這段時間內,需方有權提出因規範、標準和規程發生變化而產生的一些補充修改要求,供方應遵守這個要求,具體內容由供需雙方共同商定。
During the time period from the conclusion of contract to the commencement of the Supplier’s fabrication, the Buyer is entitled to request modification due to the change of specifications, standards and/or codes. The Supplier shall comply with the request.

