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績效考核的好工具(英文版)(ppt 40頁)

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績效考核, 工具, 英文版
績效考核的好工具(英文版)(ppt 40頁)內容簡介
Practices, Aspects, Impacts-First Steps
Update existing EQA inventory with aspects and impacts information
Initially may not be comprehensive
Goal to get EMS implementation underway
Follow implementation strategy established in Pre-Planning phase
Practices, Aspects, Impacts - Risk Ranking
Evaluate relative risk to mission to prioritize practices/aspects
Process should be: repeatable, documented, defensible, and periodic
May apply qualitative approach initially and apply quantitative method later
Pollution Prevention Opportunities
Navy installations have mature P2 Programs in place
The practice inventory may suggest P2 opportunities not considered within the traditional HW/industrial process focus of P2
Pollution Prevention Opportunities- First Steps
Review practice inventory for P2 opportunities
Apply P2 approach to identify and develop solutions for:
Industrial practices not previously identified
Non-industrial practices
Environmental aspects
Objectives and Targets
Objectives define an end-state supportive of the installation’s environmental policy goals
Targets are detailed performance standards that quantify each objective
Should be achievable and measurable
Periodically review and revise
