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18新利真人网 有關知識培訓講義(ppt 111頁)

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18新利真人网 , 知識培訓, 培訓講義
18新利真人网 有關知識培訓講義(ppt 111頁)內容簡介

18新利真人网 有關知識培訓講義內容提要:
Job Evaluation : 3 Main Methods
Qualitative Method (an example is the Job Classification Method and the Job Comparison Method)
Quantifying the Qualitative Method (an example is the Point Method)
Quantitative Method (an example is the Guide Chart Profile Method)
Job Classification Method adopted by Academic Institutions such as Universities:
Job Class A : Doctorate Degree with at least 10 years post doctoral experience plus relevant management experience (Faculty Head)
Job Class B : Doctoral Degree with at least 5 to 10 years post doctoral experience (Full Professor)
Job Class C : Doctoral Degree with less than 5 years post doctoral experience or Masters Degree with over 10 years post graduate experience (Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer)
Job Class D : Masters Degree with 5 to 10 years post graduate experience (Lecturer)
Job Class E : Masters Degree with 3 to 5 years experience (Assistant Lecturer)
Job Class F : Masters Degree with less than 3 years experience (Teaching or Research Assistant)
Form the Job Evaluation (JE) Steering Committee
a. The Steering Committee should be chaired by the CEO with functional Managers/ Heads as members. The HR Manager should be the Secretary of the JE Steering Committee.
b. If an external consultant is employed to assist in the exercise, then he should be designated as the advisor to the Steering Committee. The HR Manager should then double-up as the counterpart for internal skills transfer.

