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精益生產管理方式(英文版)(ppt 22頁)

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精益生產管理, 管理方式, 英文版
精益生產管理方式(英文版)(ppt 22頁)內容簡介
Check, Do, Verify
Gets you into Parts Per Million quality-
When you verify your work, you catch 1 flaw in 100 parts. The next person checks your work and can catch 1/100 so that’s 1/10,000. Then that person Verifies their work and can catch 1/100. That’s 1/1,000,000 errors that can get through.
Every Customer in a Process has:
- a right to expect perfect material
- an obligation to inspect the material before use.
- an obligation to inform the previous step in the process of any problem.
- an obligation to stop the process until any problem has been resolved.
Single piece or one piece flow is a means to primarily build
Quality into the process. This is achieved by establishing a takt
Time, developing std work, and swip. The premise is that an
Operator can only work on one piece at a time, and performs a
Quick quality check on the CTQs of the process before moving
The part to the following process. If a defect is detected, Jidoka
Is enacted…the line is stopped, and immediate action is taken
To remediate the situation and take countermeasures to prevent

