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Merger Integration(英文版)(ppt 60頁)

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merge, egr, ratio, 英文版
Merger Integration(英文版)(ppt 60頁)內容簡介

Merger Integration(英文版)內容提要:
Our Understanding your Situation This section is tailored to the client situation and summarizes the key drivers of the merger. It should highlight relevant quantitative and qualitative analysis that demonstrate our insight into the client’s particular challenges and drivers of success for the integration

Integration Savings
Leveraging scale
Capitalize on combined buying power
Use leverage to restructure supplier offerings
Mitigate supply risks by managing vendor concentration
Generating efficiencies
Spread technology investment over increased purchasing base
Evaluate/select the best existing purchasing systems for use in the new organization
Rapid transfer of best practice
RFI/RFP harmonization
Convergence of procurement practices and guidelines

Steering Committee:
Set the strategic direction and principles for integration
Sign-off on major issues/decisions
Top-down communication throughout the integration process
Focus on continuity of growth, customers’ issues

