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TEXT E First read the question. 51. In the passagebill Gates mainly discusses ____. A. a persons opportunITy of a lifetime B. the success of the computer industry C. the importance of education D. high school education in the US Now go though Text E quickly to answer question 51. Hundreds of students send me e-mail each year asking for advice about education. They want to know what to study, or whetherITs OK to drop out of college since thats what I did. My basic advice is simple and heartfelt. "Get the best education you can. Take advantage of high school and college. Learn how to learn." ITs true that I dropped out of college to start Microsoft, but I was at Harvard for tHRee years before dropping out —— and Id love to have the time to go back. As Ive said before, nobody should drop out of college unless they belIEve they face the opportunITy of a lifetime. And even then they should reconsider. The computer industry has lots of people who didnt finish college, but Im not aware of any success storIEs that began wITh somebody dropping out of high school. I actually dont know any high school dropouts, let alone any successful ones. In my companys early years we had a bright part-time programmer who tHReatened to drop out of high school to work full-time. We told him no. QuITe a few of our people didnt finish college, but we discourage dropping out. College isnt the only place where information exists. You can learn in a library. But somebody handing you a book doesnt automatically foster learning. You want to learn wITh other people, ask questions, try out ideas and have a way to test your ability.ITusually takes more than just a book. Education should be
