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國際著名酒店娛樂部程序(英文)(doc 20頁)

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國際, 名酒, 酒店, 娛樂, 程序
國際著名酒店娛樂部程序(英文)(doc 20頁)內容簡介

The organisation of this event is similar to the Treasure hunt. It will be held from 4.30 to 6.00 p.m. initially, and children will meet at the beach bure.
Equipment needed – a simple handout which mentions articles to be found and tasks to do. Also needed are bags to carry findings in , pencils, and one marker. The stages are like the treasure hunt:
1、Ensure all children know about the event earlier in the day.
2、Introduction of rules and tasks.
3、Explain that one hour maximum is allowed for completion of the tasks. Children again operate in pairs and must stay on the Sheraton grounds.
4、On completion of the event, the discoveries will be looked at and the crabs will be given a number.
5、A winner will be chosen.
6、The crab race is then started using a circle and by putting all crabs in the centre. The winner is the first out of the circle. This second part of the activity will be very informal and should last until approximately 7. p.m.
As in the treasure hunt, enthusiasm is the main requirement of the instructor. The role is minimal but very important.

