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HRM and Remuneration Systems(英文版)(ppt 49頁)

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hr, rem, ratio, system, 英文
HRM and Remuneration Systems(英文版)(ppt 49頁)內容簡介

HRM and Remuneration Systems(英文版)內容提要:
Context and Pressures:
Porter - product innovation + cost leadership
low labour costs vs. recruitment, retention & motivation
"Rate for the job" – job class & work technology
Location in low wage economies
commitment & flexibility
Convergence: white/blue, office/factory – competencies
Team-working, flexibility, harmonisation
Regional market forces (the City, Leeds, Delhi).
Labour mobility (between occupations + Europe)
Salary leagues (MNCs & Euro/global manager)

Pay scheme development - contingency and choice:
Proposition: design the P-system to fit the goal/circumstances. True? How? Evidence?
managerial response to internal & external demands.
Why these designs? Reactive or proactive?
How & how frequently? Who is influential in design?
Institutional promotion & reform of pay determination.
(informed) prescriptions & recommendations NBPI, CIR, ACAS, CBI, IoD, IPD, TUs, DfEE.
ACAS on 'appropriateness' 'a payment system has a better chance of success if it is carefully selected & shaped to meet the specific needs of the organization & work group in which it is to apply'.

Visible, meaningful ways to lock-in the individual.
Dialogue & bonding.
Performance appraisal “forces” direct communication
Strengthen line manager – employee relationship
Individualise the effort-reward bargain
No external 3rd party.

